Edward N. Ajlouny, Attorney at Law

I proudly served... After over 20 years... Now, I offer a full service...

Aggressive Result-Oriented Criminal Law Representation

There is someone... While at the...

Aggressive Dedicated Family Law Representation

The law office... My extensive Trial skills... Family Law cases are too expensive... If you seek an aggressive...

Criminal Defense Attorney Campbell CA

We at Edward N Ajlouny understand the fear people feel for themselves, their families, and their futures when facing arrest. If you or someone you know as been arrested and charged with a serious offense within the Campbell area, you should contact a skilled criminal defense attorney at Edward N Ajlouny. Our criminal defense strategy is designed to assist clients with any questions or concerns following an arrest. The legal team at Edward N Ajlouny prides itself on communicating often and looking at each case individually.

At Edward N Ajlouny, we understand that every legal situation is unique; therefore, we take the time to gather as much information as we can about your criminal defense case, identify your options, and tailor our representation to help you reach your goals.

The legal professionals of Edward N Ajlouny hold many years of experience in haggling bail. Our statements may include that the defendant does not pose a flight risk, or that the suspect has no criminal history in our outside of the Campbell area. You can count on our criminal defense representation to be at your arraignment. During your preliminary hearing, our criminal defense advocate will attempt to show that the prosecution does not have enough evidence to support the charges against you with an aggressive cross-examination of the witnesses called up by the prosecution.

Call us today!

In criminal defense situations, defendants of Campbell area courts have an unfortunate disposition of bias from the start. Do not let Campbell area prosecutors dominate your criminal defense case. After many years of practice, we at Edward N Ajlouny feel confident in our abilities to help you. Call us at (408) 297-6425 to utilize those abilities today.

Edward N Ajlouny

111 w st John Street

San Jose, CA 95113

(408) 297-6425

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