Edward N. Ajlouny, Attorney at Law

I proudly served... After over 20 years... Now, I offer a full service...

Aggressive Result-Oriented Criminal Law Representation

There is someone... While at the...

Aggressive Dedicated Family Law Representation

The law office... My extensive Trial skills... Family Law cases are too expensive... If you seek an aggressive...

DUI Lawyer Morgan Hill CA

We at Edward N Ajlouny can help you understand the reality of the challenges you face when charged with DUI offenses. If you are facing these charges in the Morgan Hill area, we can inform you of the possible and expected outcomes. We will work diligently to ensure your DUI case is properly and justly handled. Let us, Edward N Ajlouny, work to get you the best results for your case.

We at Edward N Ajlouny will immediately immerse ourselves in the specific details of your case. The professionals of Edward N Ajlouny are trained to always be focused and ready to ask follow-up questions about the circumstances surrounding your DUI case. Representing our clients as they face their DUI case is something that the legal team of Edward N Ajlouny takes seriously. We will not just tell you what we think you should do, but educate you on all the issues surrounding your DUI legal situation, offering guidance in each step of the process.

DUI allegations are some of the most common cases handled in the Morgan Hill area. If you have been charged with this offense, put your trust in the professionals at Edward N Ajlouny. With many years experience in the DUI field, we can provide you the representation you need.

Call Us Today!

Edward N Ajlouny is prepared to fight for your rights in court. Give us a call today at (408) 297-6425 and learn about how we can ensure you get the results you want from your DUI case. We have helped countless individuals throughout the Morgan Hill area, and we want you to be our next success story.

Edward N Ajlouny
111 w st John Street
San Jose, CA 95113
(408) 297-6425

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